Sunday, June 8, 2008

"Water Slide"

Spencer had gotten some money for his birthday & all he wanted to get was a slip & slide. He calls it his water slide. I just got it out on Monday & it had a hole in it. The boys got to play on it for a little while anyway, but I wound up having to take it back & get a new one. They love it!

I'll be honest, Michael & I had to try it out, for safety purposes of course!

This was the first one.

Lynden had to do everything Spencer did.

I can't believe how big Spencer is getting. He is my handsome little man!

You never know what to expect out of Bubbers! What a cutie pie!

So Big!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How fun!!! I bet you guys all had a blast!! I loved slip and slides when I was little!!!